8 Tips To Stay Focused 🔥🎯
8 Tips To Stay Focused 1.- Eat Propperly 2.- Don't Overthink 3.- Do Exercise 4.- Eliminate distractions 5 .- Devide work in small chunks 6.- Sleep properly 7.- Take care of priorities 8.- Try to increase your focus ability day by day. Consistency Now, we will talk about what is focus? Focus means to do work with consentration or do/give your best to the work without getting distracted. How we can stay focused? I have suggested few points above and you can also try analysis your self and then you can think what those things which coming in the way. In starting you will not be stay consentrate continuesly 5-6 hour but you can increase your ability. If, you will try to stay focus consistently day by day then definately you can increase your focusing level. If, you want to know about Consistency then you can clink on the below link. https://knowledge7x.blogspot.com/2022/05/how-to-become-consistent-in-your-life.html If you want to read or know about...